Submit a Nomination

Icon : Security Industry Woman of the Year

Security Industry Woman of the Year

This category is designed to recognise a female security professional who made a significant contribution to the implementation or enhancement of security standards within either their own or a client organisation or a woman working within the security sector who has made a significant contribution to their organisation.

The individual must work within an organisation that is within the security sector OR they must have made a significant contribution to the introduction and promotion of standards within the sector since 1 January 2022. Any person accomplishments prior to this date are not relevant and will not be eligible for entry.

It is recommended that you compose your nomination submissions in a text editor/word processing software and copy & paste your anwers in to the relevant form fields below.

Upon your submission, a pop-up confirmation will be displayed. If you do not see this, please re-submit your nomination.

Nominations are now closed, thank you!

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